Sunday, 29 November 2015

Exhibition (Salon) Successes at 41st Smethwick International, 2016 (Post 3)

Allan Hale had 1 colour print and 1 monochrome print accepted.

Neil Clarke also entered the DPI section with three acceptances

Sue Brock-Hollinshead entered the DPI section and had one monochrome and one colour image accepted

Stan Saunders received a Gold Medal for his image of a Puss Moth Caterpillar (image to follow)

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Exhibition (Salon) Successes at 41st Smethwick International, 2016 (Post 2)

John had the following images accepted as prints and received a Gold Medal for the Early Marsh Orchid

 Christine entered the DPI section and had the following acceptances

Friday, 27 November 2015

Exhibition (Salon) Successes at 41st Smethwick International, 2016 (Post I)

Several CCC Members were successful in having images accepted at the Smethwick International. Commiserations to those who entered and were unsuccessful - better luck next time.

Richard Nicoll had 5 acceptances in the Nature Sections (Print and DPI) and gained two Awards - a Gold Medal for the Hen Harrier and a Ribbon for the Bittern

Sue McGilveray had 2 acceptances in the Colour Prints

Ian Wilson had 1 acceptance in the Colour Print and this image received a Ribbon, 2 acceptances in the Mono Prints and 2 in the Nature Prints 

 Ann Miles had 4 acceptances in Colour print, 3 in Mono prints and 3 in Nature prints
                                    The House on the Fjord was awarded a ribbon
                                    Coot Aggression was awarded a ribbon

 Ann also had two acceptances in Colour PDI and twp in the Mono PDIs.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Sources of Inspiration 4

Sue McGilveray   An excellent source for upcoming photo exhibitions  On looking at his books I always feel like throwing my camera away!!  one of the most original photographers I know  the queen of the multiple exposure picture. Very inventive. more classic landscape photography

and others Cartier- Bresson, Ansel Adams, Edward Weston, Bill Brandt, William Klein, Don McCullin, Julia Margaret Cameron.

You can have a guessing game which is which - answers in the comments box please!!